• 學術翻譯工作, 在家接案


    翻譯師 - T.K. 肌肉生物學博士, 43年經驗
  • 生物翻譯工作, 應徵生物翻譯


    翻譯師 - F.W. 生物心理學學士, 7年經驗
  • 學術翻譯工作, 在家接案


    編修師 - K.K. 微生物學碩士, 20年經驗


應徵生物翻譯, 學術翻譯工作, 在家接案




優譯堂 Ulatus擁有生命科學專業翻譯團隊,尋找有才能的翻譯師成為我們繁體中文英文翻譯團隊的一份子。



  • 農業
  • 生物化學
  • 生物工程學
  • 生物科學
  • 植物科學
  • 環境生物科學
  • 鑑識科學
  • 遺傳學
  • 微生物學
  • 神經科學
  • 病理學
  • 藥學
  • 社會生物科學
  • 動物學


  • 最低3年繁體中文英文學術翻譯的經驗
  • 繁體中文/英文母語人士具備英文/繁體中文的語言認證
  • 至少具備以上提及或相關的生命科學領域的學士學位
  • 擁有翻譯或學術翻譯證明尤佳
  • 了解如何使用電腦輔助翻譯(CAT,Computer-aided Translation)工具尤佳。



  • 具有以上提及的生命科學子領域的翻譯經驗
  • 能夠良好地掌握運用繁體中文與英文兩種語言
  • 尋找線上翻譯工作
  • 想在家接案有彈性的工作時間



學術翻譯工作, 在家接案, 科學 論文 翻譯
翻譯師 TW76
  • 此自由醫學翻譯師擁有超過25年的專業經驗,曾在台灣一間頗具規模的翻譯公司擔任翻譯部門主管。他的專長包含繁體中文翻譯至英文,主要領域為醫療科技、市場行銷與企業客戶通訊設備。
專精領域 醫療科技,生物科技,藥物科學,一般用藥,衛生資訊管理,醫院管理與行政
經驗年數 25
國家 Taiwan
教育程度 PhD (Pharmacology), Peking Union Medical College, China
MS (Pharmacology), Peking Union Medical College, China
BS (Biotechnology), Peking Union Medical College, China
工作經歷 Translated Medical records and claims: Diagnosis Certificates, Informed Consent Forms, Prescriptions, Receipts
Translated Medical imaging device instructions and manuals: GE Healthcare MR 750 3.0T Split Head Coil Operator Manual, GE Healthcare 3.0T GP Flex Coil Operator Manual Translated Medical transplant device instructions and manuals
- Depuy IFU translation and updates
- Instructions for using VERTEBROPLASTIC® resin products
- Instructions for using Sigma C/R Porocoat Femoral Components in Total
Translated Medical Training Module
- Siemens Diagnostics Transplantation Overview Brochure
- AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Training Module
Translated Pharmacological and clinical research report
- Pharmacological and toxicological study report of drug MLF 541 BBM (Merck)
- Clinical trial report of antimuscarinic agent solifenacin in the treatment of OAB
Translated Chemical technical data sheet and regulations
- Material Safety datasheet of Cleaner tablets for SelfCooking Center®
- Nexa™ Connectadet™ SL non-electric surface connector initiation system
- REACH for Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China
- National Standard for Environmental Protection of People's Republic of China
Translated Patent applications
專業技能 English to Traditional Chinese Translation 
Traditional Chinese to English Translation
生物翻譯工作, 應徵生物翻譯, 工程 類 論文 翻譯
翻譯師 TW8
  • 此翻譯師擁有超過10年繁體中文英文翻譯與口譯經驗,並持有北京師範大學遺傳學碩士學位,過往經歷包含在武漢生物科技研究院進行雙語教學。
專精領域 一般生物化學,新陳代謝,生物科技,生物過程工程,生物醫學工程,生物分子工程,生物材料科學,植物遺傳學,植物學,癌症研究,細胞生物學,生物進化學,應用遺傳學,遺傳學,基因工程,基因組學,食品微生物學,病毒學,細菌學,環境微生物學,廢棄物管理
經驗年數 10
國家 China
教育程度 MS Genetics, Beijing Normal University, China
工作經歷 Interpretation of Hainan submarine cable connection project with Norway Nexans, Shanghai Foundation Engineering Company, Canadian Triton Offshore
English teaching and bilingual teaching in WuHan Biotechnology Institute.
專業技能 English to Traditional Chinese Translation
Traditional Chinese to English Translation
English to Traditional Chinese Interpretation
Traditional Chinese to English Interpretation
自由翻譯接案, 生物翻譯工作, 土木 工程 英文 翻譯
翻譯師 TW12
  • 此翻譯師/核對師擁有超過5年的翻譯與校對經驗,並在藥物研究與臨床實驗有超過10 年的專業經驗。她為台灣人並現居美國,精通繁體中文與英文翻譯以及雙語核對。
專精領域 藥物研究,藥物微生物學,藥物化學,藥劑學,藥物治療,藥物遺傳學
經驗年數 5
國家 Taiwan
教育程度 Completed a Certificate Program for Clinical Trials Design and Management, Universi-ty of California Santa Cruz Extension, Cupertino/Sunnyvale, CA
Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A), Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, UK
Bachelor in Medicine, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
工作經歷 - Experienced translator in traditional Chinese and English. Specialized in the areas of medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, clinical trials, biological sciences, and medical writing.
- Traditional Chinese to English medical translator for a market research company that specializes in pharmaceutics.
- Translated clinical study protocols, clinical study reports, common technical documents, investigator’s brochures, informed consent forms, case report forms, Q&As for PMDA consultation, and safety reports using MedDRA
- IRB Committee Member, Yale University
- Clinical Technologist, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
專業認證與會員資格 License in Clinical Technology granted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan
專業技能 English to Traditional Chinese Translation 
Traditional Chinese to English Translation
自由翻譯接案, 生物翻譯工作編修經驗
MB208 | PhD in Microbiology
  • 這名編修師擁有超過38年的編修經驗,專精於科學論文的編修與寫作,包含初步同儕審查研究、書籍篇章和專業文章。他編寫和審閱發表至高係數期刊的文章,例如美國國家科學院院刊(PNAS)、Journal of Virology、Virology、Journal of the National Cancer Institute、Cancer Research and Oncogene。美國National Cancer Institute的Federal Technology Transfer Award,和美國National Institutes of Health的Director’s Award皆為他個人的輝煌成就。
專精領域 General Biochemistry, Animal Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Cancer Research, Cell Biology, Embryology, Enzymology, General/Molecular Pathology, Genetic Engineering, Genomics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Parasitology, Virology, Bacteriology, Medical Microbiology, Microbial Physiology, Molecular Biology, Cellular Neuroscience, Neurosciences, Clinical Pathology, Hematopathology, Molecular Pathology, Histopathology, Proteomics/Protein Studies, Veterinary Sciences, Oncology
編修經驗 38
國籍 United States
教育程度 PhD, Microbiology, University of California, USA
BA, Bacteriology (Highest Honors), University of California, USA
發表經驗 J. Bacteriol., Virology, J. Virol., Cell, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Nature, Science, Elsevier, J. Clin. Microbiol., Genomics, New Biol., Oncogene, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, and J.B. Lippincott Co.
認證與獲獎紀錄 Federal Technology Transfer Award, National Cancer Institute
Director’s Award, National Institutes of Health
Merit Award, National Institutes of Health
專業經驗 Director, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
Acting Chief, National Cancer Institute
Deputy Chief, National Cancer Institute
Chief, National Cancer Institute
Research Microbiologist, National Cancer Institute
會員資格 Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors Hazardous Materials
Appeals Commission
Biotechnology Industrial Advisory Council
自由翻譯接案, 生物翻譯工作編修經驗
MB440 | PostDoc in Cell Biology
  • 此名編修師擁有超過18年生物化學細胞學等期刊編修和同儕審閱的經驗,服務的期刊如Elsevier, International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 和 Journal of Cellular Physiology。他同時也是Biology of Reproduction 和 Spermatogenesis編輯團隊。
專精領域 Animal husbandry, Animal biochemistry, Cancer research, Embryology, General/molecular pathology, Developmental neuroscience, Cellular neuroscience, Neurosciences, Histopathology, General pathology, Proteomics/protein studies, Pharmaceutical toxicology, Anatomy, Andrology, Biomedical research (experimental medicine), Endocrinology, General medicine, Family planning, Infertility, Menstruation/menopause, Urology
編修經驗 18
國籍 USA
教育程度 PostDoc, Cell Biology, Population Council – New York, USA
PhD, Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
BS, Biology, Iona College, USA
發表經驗 Elsevier, Endocrinology, Biochem Mol Biol Int, J Androl, vitro. Biol Reprod, Biol Reprod, J Biol Chem., Life Sci, J Cell Physiol, Arch Androl, Contraception, Physiol Rev, J Cell Sci., Endocr Rev, Trends Endocrinol Metab, J Endocrinol, Cytokine Growth Factor Rev, Nature Med, BioEssays, Exp Cell Res, Trends Biotechnol, Immun Endoc & Metab Agents in Med Chem, Biochim Biophys Acta, Trends Endocrinol Metab, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Pharmacol Rev, Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab, Curr Med Chem, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, FASEB J, Trends Biochem Sci, Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol, Int J Biochem Cell Biol, Cytokine Growth Factor Rev, Adv Exp Med Biol, Cell Cycle, Mol Cell Endocrinol, Phil Trans R Soc B, Nat Rev Endocrinol, Trends Pharmacol Sci, Spermatogenesis, Biochem J, Cell Mol Life Sci, Int J Androl, Endocrinology, J Neuroimmunol, Nature Commun, Hum Reprod Update
同儕審閱經驗 Asian Journal of Andrology, Biological Chemistry, Biology of Reproduction, BMC Cell Biology, Endocrinology, Experimental Cell Research, Frontiers in Biosciences, International Journal of Andrology, Journal of Andrology, Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, FEBS Letters, Lancet, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Molecular Reproduction and Development, Nature Reviews Urology, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Reproduction, Reproductive Toxicology, Spermatogenesis
認證與獲獎紀錄 Women in Endocrinology Beginning Investigator Travel Award, The Endocrine Society
New Investigator Award, American Society of Andrology
Research Excellence Award, American Society of Andrology
Best Paper Award, International Society for the Study of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction
Thomas SK Chang Student Travel Award, American Society of Andrology
專業經驗 Acquisition Editor, Spermatogenesis
Honorary Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong
Research Investigator I - III, Population Council - New York
Scientist I, Population Council - New York
會員資格 Editorial Board of Biology of Reproduction
Editorial Board of Spermatogenesis
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society