Everything You Need to Know about Open Access
With the advent of the internet and emergence of digital archiving, access to information has significantly increased. A major milestone in making information publicly and freely available was the Human Genome Project. In early 2000, important events such as Budapest OA Initiative and Berlin Declaration acted as enablers to the OA movement. However, the growth of OA publishing is fraught with multiple challenges and different measures are required to ensure sustainable growth.
In its traditional form, OA publishing has not only helped increase the visibility and impact of research but also facilitated quicker dissemination of knowledge to the academic community. Recently, there have been concerns with respect to variable APCs, predatory journals, as well as the quality and reputation of OA journals, all of which directly affect any researcher’s decision to choose between OA and traditional journals. Therefore, roadblocks that limit the benefits of OA publishing for authors and publishers need to be removed.
Through this ebook, we intend to educate early-stage researchers and students about the benefits of open access publishing and how the landscape of academic publishing has evolved in the last two decades for researchers. We have attempted to compile some of the essential information related to the milestones of the open access movement and its benefits; an overview of the OA publishing market; a brief introduction to open data, repositories, and journals; and copyright licensing for OA publications.
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Here’s what you can expect from ‘Everything You Need to Know about Open Access’.
- Open Access
- What are Different Types of OA?
- What are OA Publishing Models?
- Benefits of OA
- OA Market Overview
- Recommendations to Promote OA Growth
- Open Science
- Understanding Identifiers
- OA Journals
- Alternatives to Open Access
- OA Repositories
- OA Data
- Understanding Copyright Licensing
- Recent Developments in OA